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Happy Monday

I just got done dropping of a clothing donation to Hope’s Outlet after purging my closet to declutter. As it neared 6pm, I heard the radio DJ announce that the worst day of the week was almost over. My mind darted, “Is it almost Friday?”

It was Monday. This reminded me of once-a-week social media posts with a picture of Garfield with the statement overhead, “I hate Mondays.” What did Mondays ever do to you? Monday can’t even talk. Monday isn’t a thing. It’s just a day of the week, just like the other six. Did Monday ever stick out its foot and trip you so your tooth got knocked out? Did Monday ever call you out your name or slap you in the face? Because that’s what people do to Mondays.

It’s Monday and I took a breath. I went for a walk and enjoyed the sunshine. Monday allowed me to go to Aldi to replenish my blueberries I devoured over the eventful weekend. Today, Monday is cloudy, but it showed up. Did I wake up, discover it was Monday and cover my head to hide from a day that the majority of society hates and wish it away wishing tomorrow was today?

Today, I appreciate you, Monday, and all of the other days I get to write poetry, clean my house, talk and visit with friends, and soon back to work because that’s how the world turns.

There are souls I know who can only experience Mondays through the stars. We are – here, for now. But until then, I hope you have many, many more happy Mondays.